There have been countless times in my life when I have asked the universe, why? why is this happening? I can’t possibly see the reason, or the positivity in this situation? At the time, I couldn’t. But after the experience, sometimes it was even years later, I could see how that experience taught me. It may have taught me resilience, maybe grace, maybe even patience. These things I would carry with me, and they would aid me as I moved forward my path. In fact, they were worth more than anything. Only experience seems to cultivate these qualities, seems to be the thing that shapes and moulds us into who we are. It can reveal our deeper nature.  But at the time, sometimes we can see why or for what purpose a certain experience comes into our lives. It’s important to keep this in mind, if you are going through an experience that you are resisting or confused about.  I had a friend recently who got scammed $30 000. She had been saving this money for years. She was someone that didn’t spend any money on herself and couldn’t understand why this happened to her. Then she began to realise that money wasn’t everything. She began to spend more on herself, her spending habits changed. Instead of holding on to all her money, for fear it wouldn’t be there anymore, she let go of this fear. The worst thing had happened, and she realised, she was okay. The thing she feared the most, wasn’t that bad after all.  There is an invitation to see life in this way. To see every moment as an opportunity to ask, what is life revealing to me? What do I need to see about this? What can I let go of? What is there to learn? There is learning in every experience. But, if we are too busy blaming others, the universe, or ourselves, we will miss this precious gift.  This is a different way to look at life that helps us feel undefeated in any experience.  If you look back over your life, do you see that the times that were challenging made you who you are? Would you take back these experiences if it meant you would also lose your resilience, or steadfastness? Would you have it any other way?