Have you taken the time lately to tune into your soul?

Do you know what you actually like, or dislike? What turns on your soul? What lights you up? What do you feel, authentically? Do you give yourself the space to discover this truth?

And, do you allow this truth to be different from others?

As a society, and as people, we are trained away from intimate connection with ourselves, and this can cause us to feel lost, confused and even depressed. We don’t know who we are, or even which path to take because we stopped listening to ourselves a long time ago. 

But what would it look like if we were only following our soul’s voice? That we made this the most important thing? That the satisfaction of our soul was all we cared about?  

This is a revolutionary way of living. Most people won’t live this way because they may feel selfish. It may go against the truth of those around them. They may ask themselves, who am I to be following only my soul? Don’t I need to follow others? And do I deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and living on this Earth enjoying myself? 

And yet this is the call of the soul. The call to be authentic. To follow our hearts. To live free. To follow our dreams and passions. This is the call, that will come again and again. And when we hear it, we have a choice: to follow others, or to heed it and follow our authentic self.

Here is an except from a chapter in my book Journey Into Wholeness about the path of authenticity and the courage it takes to live from this space. 

The Path of Courage—Authenticity

This voice of courage beckons us all in different ways. It calls out to us. It tells us of a path unique to each one of us. But it may be less trodden. It may take us through fields and over mountains. We may find ourselves looking around us with not another soul in sight. We may wonder whether we should even be walking this path. Wouldn’t it just be easier to follow the herd? At least we would be with the others, we would feel their protection, and we would be safe. 

But we were never all meant to all walk together along the same lonely path. We were meant to carve new ones, ever meandering through rainforests and streams, up mountains and into valleys. We were meant to carve the path of our soul. And in this way, we were meant to weave our magic as we walked across the Earth. We were meant to carry with us our uniqueness and light the fields with our joy,  creativity, and who we are.

But only one who has surrendered the need to please and the insatiable quest to belong can open themselves to this voice. It takes courage to drown out all other voices, and only listen to the one true voice echoing from within.

I still have that old familiar voice telling me to keep small and get in line—to not follow the voice of my authentic self. I choose to no longer listen. I choose instead to be brave. So, each time I am asked what my husband does for a living, I take a deep breath and choose to correct them. “My wife”, I say, “she’s a nurse”. For me, this is courage. I do this because, I don’t want to get to the end of my life, and wonder, what if? What if I had followed my truth? What if I had followed what my heart truly wanted and stayed true to myself? So, I choose now to be courageous.

There’s a different rhythm to life now; a different quality. It sounds different. It looks different too. I can breathe more easily. I can be with myself. I can commune with myself more readily. I am the me I was always meant to be.

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