What if I told you that there were no pre-requisites for worthiness? that you are worthy, just because. That this is your birthright? would you believe me? Or would your mind have something to say? Would it want to say, but, but, but…

I need the amazing job, perfect partner, kids, plenty of money in the bank account, be wildly successful and an amazing group of friends. Not to mention my perfect body and flawless complexion. All this and more…at least. Don’t I?

As it is for most of us, we have been brought up into a world that has taught us that our worth is dependant on the amount of dollars in our bank account, our relationship status, our achievements, relationship status, our looks, and much more. This is bad news for many people who just can’t seem to get their shit together. There are only ever a lucky few who seem to attain all of the things that the rest of us want, and even then, it seems that it’s never enough. An insatiable appetite to want to be more, do more, a want to just be enough. 

We aren’t told the truth: that there is nothing that we could do or not do that would ever alter the truth, that we are wholly worthy. 

Many of us have travelled so far away from ourselves in the pursuit of finding our worth in the outside world, that we just feel lost and empty. The good news is, that we can find what we have been searching for. We may just need to cast our attention somewhere else. 

A journey awaits us. We need to examine where we have given our power away to certain beliefs. We need to examine our upbringing and see where and with whom we have placed our sense of worth. If we at all, want a shot at happiness, we need to be-able to give up these beliefs and begin to find our worth separate from all of these things. 

If you are interested in letting go of your limiting beliefs around worthiness, and truly find the worth you deserve, within yourself, then you may be ready to embark on a life changing journey – the one into wholeness. For more wisdoms, like the ones found in this post, feel free to check out my journey into wholeness course. It’s on sale at the moment. For a limited time, receive it for only $197